1.A diary planner which across life is totally flexible to the changing Chapters of Life and work home community and extended family balance, that also has the capacity,
(once the users decides to write in it or read for Up to 5 minutes morning and night)
becoming the user’s secret reliant daily helper for:
– Clarity and time management, for overcoming that juggling feeling,
– More Satisfaction and Achieved Goals and Fun (Getting the edge
– Confidence – “I have got this/ or “I would love to but can’t today”
2. Which allows for the growing of habit and recovery of balanced focus on self needs. The needs of others, and gaining financial stability all of which lead to
- a sense of freedom,
- less stress
- More clarity which ……..if you choose leads to Kindness, which if given , returns, causing a circular effect of harmony within the home and neighbourhood or workplace.
3. A daily, monthly, annual record, to become archival, for legal, medical reasons that could be signed off if necessary, and will last beyond a broken mobile phone out of date system.
4. A book to hold everything and hard to misplace, a recovery helper when a person is recovering from PTSD or head injury or surgery and has temporary memory and planning impairment.
The “Big Diary” to have, when you share a car or depend on another for transport. “A Diary for Two” using different coloured pens or the diary that can be shared by a Carer.
5. A family history record that just grows on its own. In 20 years (if stored in piece or if the Annual highlights and the monthly goals or explanations of what prevented goals being achieved, had been removed and filed) become the memory jogger for the family biography.
6. A record of memories of recent events when future events are disappointingly cancelled.
7. Invites its owner to write in it and reflect on memories..

The Pink Dahlia symbolizes inner strength and kindness and the diary’s intent that you flourish with abundance and action. Rest well. Then return with Joyful presence
The 24HWD Story – began around year 2000
“Necessity is the mother of invention”. In year 2000 the author and developer of the 24HWD concept, was a psychologist, who while trying to establish a new practice in a new location in Australia was asked to represent her new State in the development of a College of Health psychology. A few months later, she had a one year old child and was asked to write a book chapter. Then her mother was diagnosed with a form of memory loss. Had the 24HWD existed, her mother could have used a clock with the date and time next to the diary to write the date of the future visit by the doctor. instead she had an undated exercise book on the hall stand to make notes like “doctor will call in later”.
The Authors’ foolscap day to a page diary was also not working and at times entries bent around and up the sides. When the baby also had a daily itinerary the problem got worse. Hence the 24 hour home and work diary was developed and used for a year in photocopy version.
The mission and diary concept was also based on the author’s university research career, and past 15 years in private practice including providing support to remote area was CSIRO scientists and stressed clients referred by a medical practice. It was clear that people were overloading themselves and losing balance both in their lives, then their relationships, and were becoming unclear about the future. This was leading to loss of hope, self confidence and buoyancy (currently defined as Resilience)
The Author began the process of lawyers contracts and a manufacturer to do the hard work which led to international firm Collins Debden (who at that time were accepting products from the public). The senior staff were fabulous and loved the diary and many new users sent emails thanking them for the diary. However policies change, people leave, and again with help from the lawyers, new paths for the diary had to be trod, in the heart of a COVID 19 pandemic .
Initially the Author’s desire had been personal. A resource to clear the sense of juggling balls in the air, and give clarity. A resource to. act like a Personal Assistant who helps to remind the boss of the needs lying on the peripheral in a busy day. (except of course the diary owner must write in the diary first. A habit of 5 minutes focus on the diary content twice a day creates that illusion of the personal assistant). From the toddler’s playgroups she learned a key irritation covered up by participant laughter was husband’s or partner’s question at 6pm
“ and what have you been doing all day?”. Of course people know that with a new baby you might be lucky to get a few lines written. However reporting the time of observation in the daily event/appointment column of “green faeces in nappy” or reporting the fact that the 2am feed (or colic) was extending to 3am was useful for later reports to the midwife providing post birth 8 weeks of care. Reporting the first chuckle is a joy.
As the years passed and based on the returned annual surveys, it became clear that the 24HWD was providing benefit across a range of users. When in England, the craft groups loved it. Families, and retired volunteers got peace of mind. Then foster parent clients reported finding it useful. Then men with shared child custody were reporting how much they needed it. Most recently the chunking and list options were recognized as the way to proceed to make a happier day and skill acquisition (brain retraining) for people with temporary brain injury or exhaustion.
Most recently the diary planner has been recognized by a key disability group as a Daily Living Aid (not just any diary but one that had so many relevant features for improvement of life quality that it could be re-defined).
Despite the Covid19 pandemic, shipping crises and lockdowns and inability for distributors to take it to shops, the diary’s resilience and good reputation means people are searching and finding it and we are working to make the process easier.